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Spring, 2012

Inaugural "Grad"itude Rally challenges 2012 graduates to thank the teachers, coaches, counselors and others who've "made a difference" in their development through education.  Three "Thank you"s will be selected for prize packages.  Deadline for written and video-taped entries: June 1, 2012.


September/October, 2011

Thanking of You segment by Cheryl Tan of WAVY TV 10's The Hampton Roads Show 

Like-minded initiatives Shoot for Good and ThankingOfYou.com join forces to showcase "the good" generated by individuals and organizations throughout Hampton Roads and beyond.


July 25, 2011

ThankingOfYou.com joins Virginia Beach Friends School's "More Fun than Anyone Should Have at a Blood Drive" event, inviting people to donate blood during Red Cross' "critical appeal" for donations and to thank local nonprofits on film for "making a difference" in their lives. 


June 13, 2011

Nora Firestone, founder of ThankingOfyou.com, shares her "Aha" moment for Mutual of Omaha's national "Aha Moment" campaign.


Mother's Day, 2011

Searching for the best Mother's Day gift?  Stun her with your most "awe-full" attitude.


Holiday season, 2010

Top ten "most lasting" gifts:  Survey indicates that the most valued and lasting gifts to give or receive are those of an intangible, not material, nature.  This list outlines ten ideas for the gifts of a lifetime that nurture, and essentially cost nothing.


November, 2010

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA--Proposition Gratitude promises instruction, insight and inspiration during full-day yoga conference centered on the virtue of gratitude.

Hampton Roads yoga instructors and wellness coaches present Proposition Gratitude, a community event devoted to increased well-being and the virtue of gratitude, also to benefit local charities, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center . . . click headline for full release.


October 16, 2010

Organizations in the business of "making a difference" in the lives of others can now discover the impact first-hand via stories of gratitude (messages of thanks) posted by beneficiaries in this public, independent forum.

During its official launch this season, ThankingOfYou.com calls on supporters and beneficiaries of such organizations to express their gratitude, in written or video form, for staff and other influential people within the organizations, letting them know that they've had a lasting, positive impact, when, how, to whom, and why it mattered . . . click headline for full release. 


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